These murals are beautifully and punctiliously created to become more then just eye candy. Inspired through the universally popular kids game "I spy, with my little eye" These murals are functional as well. Spend time daily with your child and play.

For currently Mural Direct is providing 8 different themes from animals to toys. Not only can you play "I spy" but additionally "seek and count" games, like just how many eggs could you find in the animal mural. Its never a dull moment with one of these murals, customize for the size you wish. I believe kids will be entertained by way of the shear enormous size of everyday objects.

Not simply these wonderful works of art work well for your home, but schools and hospitals are finding a spot for them as well. Into their libraries, homerooms, and day cares, there is absolutely no telling where you can play. Mural Direct is glad to add that twinkle in the child's eye!
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