Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Create Romantic Space For Your Beloved

2013 has gone from us, whether you are in the past year harvest a love, or expect 2014 brings you love? And about a month, valentine's day will coming, is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? Are you ready to greet the arrival of love?

Valentine's day will coming, to manifest your lover, try the tip here for navigating the world of love and romance:

Eliminating physical clutter from your life is one of the fastest ways to increase the inflow of new positive energy. At the same time, you also want to create physical space for your soon-to-arrive beloved. Make sure to clear some space in your closet and keep the nightstand on your lover’s side of the bed empty so that when they arrive they can fill it with their own personal items. Remember the old saying “nature abhors a vacuum”? Well, it applies here. Create space so the Universe can deliver your lover into a home that welcomes him or her. Even if you never plan to have your beloved live with you in your space, it is essential to do this.

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