Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Do You Feel The Beauty Of The Spring?

It will be very enjoyable to have coffees at the garden to enjoy the colorful flowers and listen to the bird singing. Spring is the best time to create a spring garden. So are you ready to build your spring garden now? Here are some ideas to give you some inspirations.

Ideas of Building a Spring Garden

Start with a clearance. It is easy to let shrubs and trees get too big without realising it, especially as we tend to plant densely for instant effect. Opening up overgrown spaces gives you new gardening opportunities.

Pick the Right Flowers .Cheerful blooms attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators; they also bring birds and beneficial insects that dine on insect pests. Add colors to your garden, which means choose colorful flowers and green tress to the backyard garden. Flowers bring colors and also pleasant smells as well as fancy looks to the garden. So you can add a lot of fresh greens, yellows, bright reds, and a dash of green to the garden.

Add sound to your spring garden. You can attract wild animals to the garden. Bird singing and the crickets chirping are the most beautiful natural sound. An added waterfall, either an installed flowing fountain or trickling bird bath, in your spring garden will ultimately relax and bring serenity and peacefulness like nothing else can.

Grow early vegetables in early or midspring. While tomatoes, peppers, and squash love hot summer weather, you can plant carrots, radishes, spinach, and other cool-season varieties while there's still a bit of frost in the air. They'll withstand light freezes easily, but need to be covered if the temperature drops into the low 20s.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Create Your Room Appear Brilliant

Many people are thinking about how to expand the space of the house, however,some people's house can be insufficient light-weight. It is not convenient and cozy are living at nighttime homeIf always turn on light, it will also be wasting electricity. We can do some improvement to make the room look brighter than before, though we cannot change a house with enough natural light. Here are some tips to suit your needs.

To begin with, start with repaint your walls. Choose lighting coloured color. Eggshell, other and cream almost white colored colours represent lighting and make the space really feel larger.

Change from the home window remedies. Consider purchasing sheer curtains or curtains made out of a lighter weight fabric if you have dark and heavy draperies.

Handle the clutter and coordinate your property. Clutter creates a area appear more shut in and darkish. So organize your home to make it clean and tidy.

Purchase home furniture which is gentle-shaded. tan, light and Cream blue can also add a beachy lumination to any room. Steer clear of more than-decorating your areas.

Usually do not place sizeable pieces of furniture, such as chests and bookshelves next to the windows wall structure. The larger furniture pieces will cease some sun light coming in the room.

Make use of a skinny and long match with a huge wall to generate a place appear wider. Position it throughout from the big windows to reflect more light-weight externally into your place. Mirrored furniture does the same thing as wall surface mirrors and can do magic to reduce up an area.

Include a light region carpet. If the floor is dark, covering the floor with a pale colored rug will lighten the room, especially.

Produce A Romantic Bedroom

Romantic is really a traditional but fashion style which enables us relax after having a long busy day.
Adding romantic to your bedroom depends upon setting the mood by dim lighting, using soft bedding, and fragrant flower arrangements. Here i will discuss three fantastic strategies for creating your romantic bedroom.

1. Romantic lighting
Soft light always romantic and exciting. Should your bedroom is flooded with soft light, your private world will brimming with mystery and romantic mood. Whether you light candles or fire in fireplace, this will likely definitely generate a a sense of mood. Moreover, make sure you dim your light. Dim lamp with yellow bulb will be less harsh and add warm to the room. Avoid using blue or go-ahead bulbs, as they might provide a sense haunting.

Romantic Bedroom - light

2. Elegant smell
The elegant smell is simply the thing that would please take a room fancy. A smell can remind you a prodigal

memory, assist you to relax and discover peace in your life. Therefore, it’s very important to thrill your olfactory senses. Consider place some fragrant flowers with your bedroom. There are numerous beautiful flowers which may have with great smell. Try to discover what floral scent comfort you better. Take lilies, gardenias and lavender into mind once you researching.

Romantic Bedroom of Elegant smell

3. Pleasing music
Should you prefer a romantic bedroom, you’ll want to keep computer and work stuff outside of the door. Soothing music is another good way to incorporate romantic. Popular song can establish a dreamy and relaxing atmosphere. Besides, hearing soothing music can calm the senses and help induce sleep.

Romantic Bedroom of Pleasing music

Before heading in sleep you could possibly take action that assist you free form the boring daily work. It might include having a warm shower or bath, reading a novel, or enjoying soothing music, preferably while using lights dimmed. That is certainly your romantic bedroom.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Some Smart Methods Of Remove Wall Murals

Recently years, there is a fabulous selection of wall murals in different colors, patterns and designs in the market. More and more people like to choose the wallpaper to decorate their wall. But if you want to change the wallpaper, you need to remove it. However, it is a daunting task when it comes to removing the wallpaper. Here are some smart methods for you to remove the wallpaper border easily.

For the wallpaper border removing, firstly you can use the hairdryer to heat the border. When using this equipment, you need to ensure your hands are dry. Then, you need to spray some water on the wallpaper surface. If you find the border of the wallpaper is pasted with strong adhesive and it is really hard to remove, just follow us to the step two.

Just fill some water or vinegar into your spray gun. You may skip vinegar, as it tends to leave an unpleasant odor. Be generous while spraying the water or vinegar on the wallpaper and its borders. Next, you can use a plastic scraper to scrape the wallpaper. It is better to avoid using the metal scrapers, which may do some damage to the wall surface.

If the wallpaper border is also hard to remove, you can prepare some warm soap water and sponge the border sufficiently. Wait for about 10-15 minutes after spray the warm soap water on the wallpaper. If the border is waterproof, it is necessary you apply a little extra energy so that the water penetrates through.

It is also a great way to remove stubborn wallpaper borders by using the steam wall stripper. Pay attention to begin at the bottom and towards the top gradually when use the wall stripper. Once the borders are steamed, they will automatically peel off with a bit of scraping alongside.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Room Where Everyone Could Possibly Get Together And Communicate

Because main room in the home, the living room is commonly referred to as the spot to “hangout”. Bedrooms are private spaces therefore, the living room’s get to be the one place where everyone could possibly get together and communicate. Not less than, that’s the best scenario. It’s well known that in a family, there’s always anyone who just wants everyone to stop barking so they can watch their favourite programme on morning shows.In my family,have a Chinese tea is nice!

That’s where the hangout room comes into a unique. Generate a space where one can chat along with view TV or perform other pursuits for you to enjoy.

Unlike the living or dining-room, there’s no magic formula. You may like the idea of an pool, whereas others might be horrified. Seating’s the only real priority. Decide whether you’d like another sofa or whether you possibly can make your own table and chairs work. Have you ever friends over every weekend and may even take advantage of the space for drinks and nibbles?

Useful Shopping Experience for Suitable Wall Murals Color

Nowadays, you have a fabulous selection of murals in different colors and with attractive patterns. The mural color has influence on the visual effect of the whole bedroom. Apart from that, different colors will also bring us different mental stimulation. Read on to learn some useful shopping experience for suitable mural color.

Different colors will give us different feeling. So the mural in different colors will also bring us different mental stimulations. Red wall murals are full of anger, passion, and vitality. Pink murals are delicate and give cozy, warm, cute and sweet feeling. Purple quilts are noble, mysterious and elegant. Murals in orange give the feeling of delight and warm. Yellow murals give the bright and warm feeling. The green murals give cool and refreshing feeling.

We need to choose the thin murals in cold color tone in the hot summer. As the upper information refers, green and blue colored quilts are the best selections. When you see blue and green in summer, you will feel cool, relaxing as well as refreshing. On the opposite, if in fall and winter, it is cold, so we’d better choose warm colored bedding to add comfort as well as warmth to our bedroom. Orange, red, yellow murals are all best selections.

If you are choosing bedroom for newly married couples, it is best to select the bright red mural, which will do much help of creating happy and festival atmosphere. At the meantime, the red will stimulate the nervous system, increase secretion of adrenaline, as well as enhance blood circulation. As the result of using too much red and facing red for really long time, people will easily get emotional anxious.

If you are choosing bedding for elderly, it is best to choose light orange quilts. That is because orange has the function of stimulating appetite. Apart from that, orange will also bring happy and cheerful mood in bedroom so as not let old people feel lonely.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Making The Feature Wall

Whether you’re entering into the latest home or simply bored of an individual space, an element wall is an excellent solution to an entire makeover. Feature walls require shorter time, effort and stress than full redecorating but still support a shot of personality and type into any room (I understand, we love them as well). Basically, they can be a decorator’s best friend - as well as top everything off; they usually are easily replaced if you achieve tired with checking out them! If only this became so in all of the walks of life…

As the name suggests, a function wall is a wall that highlights its features -adding interest as well as energy to your room. Commemorate a focus interesting and is particularly certain to get people talking (it’s a potential conversation starter if you are in the awkward silence with all the in-laws!).

The biggest thing to contemplate is choosing the correct wall. You want to make sure that it’s a wall worth highlighting (whether or not this leads the interest for the wild garden next door…then maybe rethink your choice!). An easy step when choosing the right wall is identifying where your skills is naturally attracted to when entering the space. Best avoid a wall with windows or doors, much more usually takes outside the overall effect (and is headaches if you decide on a wall mural or wallpaper!). Some feature walls work well to be a backdrop to your favourite item of furniture, or perhaps the main furniture inside the room (by way of example, the wall behind base or couch). Chimney breasts and alcoves also can make great settings for feature walls. Whoever you hire, make certain you’re certain if it’s the right space to spotlight!

Once you‘ve chosen the wall, another big decision is usually to decide on the structure. Primary rule is choosing something you love; rather like your husband or wife, you’re one which should put up with it! Decals are a wonderful idea for just a child’s bedroom; it will eventually generate a focus and is particularly an awesome chance for the youngsters to acquire involved! Full wall murals are breathtaking and therefore are certain to instigate conversation between guests. Picture walls can beautifully house your memories and paintwork can effectively compliment the earlier. An attribute wall placed behind the key item of furniture area - draws your attention upon entering.

Next recall the golden rules of decorating. Dark colours will make the wall look nearer to you; therefore the room will show up smaller. Light colours possess the opposite effect and then make the bedroom appear larger. If you want to be subtle, choose complementary colours compared to that on the whole room - go darker or lighter in intensity. For those who enjoy drama, decide on a contrasting colour for quite a few punch. Once applied, improve the wall and draw as often focus to it possible. Arrange the furnishings to focus on the feature wall, hang paintings or pictures against it or use spotlighting to draw more attention to it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Installation Suggests For Bedroom Wall Murals

     When you choose the wall mural, you shouldn't only pay attention to the color, pattern and quality, but the environmental protection. Whenever you install the wall mural, it's also wise to pay attention to the dry humidity of the wall. And you ought to also pay attention to the wall PH. In short, you ought to be more careful inside your decoration process. Each project must be careful operation, because your ignorance may cause countless trouble inside your later life.
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   The color of the wall mural is the overall style of the whole bedroom. Whether what sort of style you want or what kind of decoration style you would like, you should pay attention to the overall mix of the bedroom, bedroom linens, furniture, curtains along with other items. Overall, you should let the color of your wall mural match the color of the items inside your bedroom. Additionally, it means that the wall mural color determines the style of your bedroom. Generally speaking, your bedroom ought to be decorated in warm color. Three-dimensional pattern would work for a large section of bedroom. Floral is suitable for pastoral style. You have to consider the requirements and elegance of the decoration when you choose the colour of wall mural. If you possess the inappropriate choice of wall mural patterns, it will affect the coordination from the entire bedroom unification. It will also make people feel uncomfortable, as well as affect the sleep effect at night.

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   Environmental protection of the bedroom wall mural is very important. Most wall mural environmental index is unqualified. Their state environmental Protection identifies not just mean environmentally friendly materials, their state Environmental Protection identifies just reached the minimum requirements from the state flag of his material formaldehyde content. This really is still deadly, as well as the daily sleep for nearly 10 hours. Within the bedroom, when the materials are not environmentally friendly, it equals suicide.

Practical Lights Design And Style Suggestions

If you live in a small apartment and want to take advantage the limited space. Today, our editor will expose you several functional lighting decor, You can choose the functional furniture and ornaments. Also have other functions, although they not just can brighten your home. Have a look now, although They not just can brighten your home.'

The accent lighting is intended to build a a number of surroundings to the master bedroom. For instance is surroundings bluish, greenish and warm or cold, or lighthearted, or many different other difficulties ideal through the passengers from the bed room. This is often received by putting certain types of lamps, in a distinct situation in any case.

Making use of the clear light-weight-accumulating exterior hue, it is actually stunning and durable and sturdy. There is a photovoltaic level inside the droplight, which means that this gentle will make total utilisation of the lighting. It can be used to provide the romantic atmosphere in your home.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bedroom Wall Murals to Have Unique Impression

If you prefer to enjoy the murals on the walls from the city, then might be you are interested to use murals on the walls of your home. You'll have a picture in the living room, dining area or bedroom wall murals. It surely may bring a different and different impression in your home. Instead of using regular paint and wall paper you should try murals to get a new atmosphere.

Beginning with the bed room wall murals like a private area in your house, the concept can differ based on your imagination, or you can simply put the example drawing design you like, or create your own drawing using computer software. You may create the sense of the antique bedroom with just a mural on your wall, align with the appropriate selection of furniture. You can draw the curtains or outdoor garden that may give the illusion of wider and fresher room.

Exactly the same thing you are able to apply to children bedroom wall murals. For example they like Nemo adventure, and you can create the underwater world in your child's room. The children really liked these favorite pictures and surely can make them more comfortable within the room. Even better should you involve your child in the drawing process, Ensure that the paint and materials used is protected and nontoxic.

Some Funny And Creative Clock Ornaments

Wall clocks, alarm clocks and other bell ornaments are the essential goods for home. They not only tell you the time, but also can be used as the ornaments to decorate the home space. So it is quite important to choose the style of the clock. Today, this article has collected some funny and creative clock ornaments, which will let you have a close contact with the time.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Home Office Decor

Nowadays , home offices are becoming popular among many homes . Given the current globalization ( digital generation ) several home office must be a laptop or computer, printer, copier , along with other materials necessary for simplifying your work .

Embu for us now look at some of the following images which you can you get ideas of how your home office and lay them .

Decorate your home office with beautiful colors .... here is painted in white and gray to keep it modern

This home office combines style, Comfort and function ... A glass desk .... beautiful rugs Apps softness to the space , a stunning Metallic wallpaper and a loveseat lether makes this room all fancy and functional ...

A black floor lamp provides extra light for working late into the night .... a bold orange color sets the tone for this home office

One of the boldest color statements one can make is to paint an accent wall or room a rich color and then contrast it with pure white or black furniture .....

Wall art ..... you can put as hiviiii ....

In your bedroom , you can allocate part and put a floating shelf , a desk and a chair .... as hiviiiii ......

Home office under the stairs ..... if you do not have Enough Enough space or rooms in your home!

Here are a laptop , your working table , a chair is a must for you can not Kuka below ! preferable if you put a flower decoration on the table to add your work table lamp ..... not forgetting to give you light to study at night When you do your job .... this room kinang'aa and beautiful!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Decorating Your Home With Wall Murals

Home wall murals have grown to be one of the latest trends when it comes to decorating our homes.

Besides expensive paintings, wall murals is a good way for individuals with a minimal budget to achieve a fancy home without needing to spend too much money.

Most of us are used to painting our walls instead of decorating with wall murals. However it will set you back a great deal since you will have to renovate and repaint at least every year to be able to maintain its natural beauty.

Choosing very light colors in your walls will make your entire room dull looking, and choosing bright colored paints in your walls has a tendency to help make your room appear smaller.

If you are the type of people that are utilized and tired of repainting your home walls each year, you would then love the simple considered applying some wall murals instead.

The good news is that you could personalize your house with different wall murals designs and customizing it without spending money on it. It is a method that can create a completely different theme for your rooms as well as adding a more relaxing ambiance and a calming effect on your rooms.

Most 5 star hotels use wall murals as their main decoration for his or her rooms. So don't hesitate to test. Being modern doesn't have to be expensive.

Consider getting new wall murals for your house and start decorating your house, adding elegance and a piece of luxury with great wall decors.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Have You Forget What Day It Is? Last-Minute Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that tends to sneak on people. Although paper hearts and boxes of chocolates have been on the shelves since January, sometimes life gets busy and individuals forget to plan a method to express their love and gratitude to loved ones.

Here is a list of last-minute gift ideas certain to make your sweetie seem like you have been planning their surprise for weeks.

1. Breakfast in bed

Many people think Valentine's has to be an evening event - reservations for supper at a swanky restaurant, a night out, etc. However, some schedules aren't very accommodating to night activities, so why not surprise your significant other with breakfast instead? Make sure to perform the whole works and obtain bonus points with a couple of flowers inside a vase.

2. Flowers

The standard flowers and chocolate route is something that could be easily achieved last second. Not wanting to pay a fortune for any dozen roses? Try looking at the flower sale section in the supermarket. Sometimes you will get 10 flowers and just need to toss out two to get a really nice looking bouquet. Also, look for flowers at wholesale stores like Costco and Sam's Club.

At last, Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Recommendations On Decorating Your Home

Recommendations on Decorating Your House. It is not easy but also filled with fun to brighten your house, in fact, you don't need to spend much money but just have to add your own style will be OK. Here we are likely to talk about some tips about home decorating.

1.If you live in a place where one can paint the walls, adding a fresh coat of color to create a huge impact making your living space look like new.Though some can masterfully pull off the white wall gallery look, stark white more often highlights the differences and imperfections among an eclectic variety of belongings. By comparison,the right color can create a soothing, cohesive space that leaves you pleased with the things you have. Color can highlight interesting architectural features like sloped ceilings and ornate moldings that might be lost amid a more subtle palette. Color can make a room seem larger or cozier; it can blend your furnishings in to the background or make sure they are stand out.Everyone is different, however i discover that if I provide a large amount of considered tovery likely to enjoy the end result for an extended time and steer clear of the urge to remodel with every trend I read about.

2.Put patterns to work. A tastefully printed bed spread constitutes a room stick out and gives it some added flair. You can find these at just about any bedding store in the united states.Decorate with consistency. You may have great items or pieces, but if theyre mismatched, it will help make your room look cluttered and disorganized. Stick to your theme throughout theen tire decorating process.Add colors. There isnt an incorrect method of doing this, but adding color is important in decorating your room. Do you want to introduce pops of different colors throughout your room, and have the room become saturated with a specific color? Add warmth with neutral tones. Soft overhead lighting or a clip-on overhead lamp is really a greatway to accomplish this.Personalize your space. You do not want your entire room to look like you just raided the I keacatalog. Find a couple of offbeat pieces at a thrift store or boutique furniture shop to give your room a varied look.

3. Description: "Words and phrases wall decals with leaves accents" Help your room into a conversation piece by saying: "I love you, I want you." - Easy to apply the wall quotes to wall, window, door, car or any fine surface - This wall sticker provides a simply yet elegant method to express yourself in your space - PVC quote sticker, colored in soft pink - Sheet Size: Approx. 23.5 x 7.6 inch2: Sun Moon Star Tassel String Door Curtain Window Room Divider - Purple.

4. Subtle door curtain with sun, moon and star design to include a certain ambiance to your rooms. Thisstring door curtain includes slot top for poles or rods. Make use of this fabulous door curtain aspartitions between rooms or use like a screen to keep flies out. Description: Sun, moon and star fringe door curtain for adding style to the window or doorway offer an attractive divider to an open doorway, help keep flies away can be used a door curtain, window curtain or perhaps a background for a shop window display Contemporary furnishing for that modern home.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Get Rid of Clutter & Organize Your Lifetime for 2014

Ah, the New Year 2014, a period when we express our gratitude for all our gifts & challenges of the previous year.

I have been among those individuals who accumulates possessions until all their living area can be used up. I ask myself, all of the time... "Am I a clutterer or a collector?"

A huge clutching anxiety comes over me when i try to eliminate clutter. I still exceptional jacket with the football shoulder pads, hoping they will return in fashion. A naughty thrill comes through as I toss out pictures & love letters from old boyfriends.

Again I ask myself..."Are you a clutterer or a collector?"

Where does clutter originate from anyway? Why is it so difficult to get rid of it? How do we get so emotionally mounted on this stuff!?! How can one person provide all away, leaving no clutter behind, while another can live encompassed by all their stuff. Actually, I hate home cleaning.

I've searched everywhere for that perfect solution to remove my clutter, but nothing designed a mental connection, until suddenly, I got it! Around the radio someone asked as prepared for the large one, an earthquake? OMG, in my vivid imagination, the clock is ticking & what do I actually do? Curiously, I came across the psychology behind clutter.

Clutter may cause unwanted stress. I can't take it with me. Stuff could be replaced, however time with family & friends and the peace that comes from through an organized space cannot. Turn it into a goal to organize your lifetime for 2014! So here's an idea "make "cash from your trash." Garage sales, eBay, Craigslist, consignment stores, recycling, used book shops & newspapers (classifieds) could be great ways to unload some clutter and add to your bank account. One man's junk is another man's treasure!

In the end, it doesn't really matter whether you are a clutterer or perhaps a collector, just search for the humour. It's your house and you need to feel comfortable there. Recently over heard at a local auction house..."A clutterer is poor. A collector is rich." It's all dependent on perspective.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Valentine's Decorating For Your Beloved

Decorating for Valentine's Day can also add flourishes and touches to various spots in one's home using its red hearts, bows, lace, and candles. Decorating for Valentine's Day may not be something all of us have done before, but it is certain to make a fun, special atmosphere around the house. There are lots of decorating ideas to get in the mood for Valentine's Day.

With some red ribbon in hand, one can tie red or pink bows to every arm of the chandelier, to some stuffed animal, or perhaps taped to the frame of a computer monitor. A large, red balloon on a string can be tied to a chair. Or maybe a small, heart-shaped balloon is mounted on a stick, it may be pushed into the dirt of the potted plant.

Framing a Valentine photo for example shown on Better including an artistic arrangement of pink and yellow roses, a wedding band put on a dictionary near to the meaning of "always," or perhaps a heart shaped in the pages of a book, all would be a fabulous look. Or, what about framing a photograph of yourself for the loved one?

The pleasant scent of aroma candles can add to the romantic nature of Valentine's Day around the home. Many candles of shapes and sizes can be lit all at one time. Candle holders may also make an effect. Whether you decorate with jar, tea light or pillar candle holders, all can be found having a Valentine connection.

The more candles, the greater. Place candles everywhere, and they produce a lovely atmosphere. Besides the dinning table, candles can embark upon an evening table, on a bathroom counter, on a kitchen counter or table. Just don't leave them unattended.

When searching for luxury sheets for Love day, its better to look at the kind of weave accustomed to result in the sheets, not just thread count. Feeling the sheets is the greatest method to choose the perfect group of sheets.

A fascinating texture in fabrics can also be important. Velvet, velour, and fake fur are wonderfully rich and soft, and could be employed for comforters, blankets and throw pillows.

Other great ideas for decorating include:
Red, plush pillows, maybe in the shape of a heart
Valentine windchimes, which make a light and twinkling sound
Pretty vases for the red roses, pink carnations or any other flowers that always means Valentine's Day
Covering the table with a white tablecloth and sprinkling it with candy hearts
Covering chairs with pink tulle and a fluffy bow
A Valentine garland can be associated with chairs
This holiday is said to have originated because of St. Valentine, a Roman who had been martyred on February 14, 269 A.D. While in prison, it is said, he had a love affair using the jailer's daughter. He left her a farewell note which read, "from your Valentine".

Valentine Day Symbols
Should you decorate with ribbons it is similar to the days when kings and knights received ribbons by their beloved before going into battle.
Hearts symbolize love.
Roses are identified with romance. Red roses are for passion, yellow is for friendship and white means love and devotion.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Decorating for Valentine's Day

Ah, love is in the air. Yes, it is almost Valentine's Day. The shops are filled with flowers, hearts, balloons and candy showcased in pink and red. Today, we will provide a decorative nod to the special holiday that celebrates love.

Begin by decorating your door utilizing a grapevine wreath. Embellish the grapevine wreath with small wooden hearts which have been painted red. To display your wreath, hang it with a large red ribbon.

In your home, remember ramantic,the mantle is the perfect place to decorate for Valentine's. Those white pillar candles you used throughout the holidays could be reused. Simply tie a red ribbon round the center of each candle. Try elevating each candle on a glass or wooden base.

A design is much more interesting when you incorporate different levels. Add some wooden hearts painted in red and/or pink. If you choose, you can include wooden letters in the shape of X's and O's. We all recognize "xoxo" as code for - hugs and kisses.- Give a hanging garland of heart-shaped cookie cutters across your mantle or hang a garland of vintage valentine cards.

Create a "Valentine Board." Purchase a cork board within the size of your choosing. Let it rest in its natural state, cover it with fabric or paint it red or white. As Valentine's cards begin coming to your home, tack each card towards the cork board. This festive bit of artwork will remind everyone in your home how much they're loved.

Place a red tablecloth on your dinning table. Nothing says drama like the color red. Add-on those white plates you've been collecting. Convey a red napkin in the heart of each plate topped having a nicely wrapped bit of chocolate candy. No tablecloth is required - red place mats or chargers with white plates and red napkins will also be festive.

Use pink, white and red votives arranged the same shape as a heart for the centerpiece. You may simply want to use a few cylindrical glass vases or jars full of cinnamon hearts, chocolate kisses or any other colorful candies in the center of your table - voila, instant dessert!

Have the children cut out hearts using construction paper or cardboard or provide them with red, white and pink foam hearts. Permit them to decorate the hearts inside a manner of their choosing. Glitter, paints, pieces of paper doilies or red and white buttons can be used to adorn the hearts. Make a hole in the surface of each heart and hang up each one from the chandelier inside your dining room using thin red silk ribbon. The children can write messages around the back of each heart with marker. Exactly what a loving way to celebrate Cupid's day.

Because we are decorating for Valentine's Day, recall the flowers. A fresh bouquet of red roses can make an attractive centerpiece for just about any table. If roses aren't in your budget, use white carnations inside a red vase.

Now go and eat some chocolate. Happy Valentine's!