Friday, February 21, 2014

Home Office Decor

Nowadays , home offices are becoming popular among many homes . Given the current globalization ( digital generation ) several home office must be a laptop or computer, printer, copier , along with other materials necessary for simplifying your work .

Embu for us now look at some of the following images which you can you get ideas of how your home office and lay them .

Decorate your home office with beautiful colors .... here is painted in white and gray to keep it modern

This home office combines style, Comfort and function ... A glass desk .... beautiful rugs Apps softness to the space , a stunning Metallic wallpaper and a loveseat lether makes this room all fancy and functional ...

A black floor lamp provides extra light for working late into the night .... a bold orange color sets the tone for this home office

One of the boldest color statements one can make is to paint an accent wall or room a rich color and then contrast it with pure white or black furniture .....

Wall art ..... you can put as hiviiii ....

In your bedroom , you can allocate part and put a floating shelf , a desk and a chair .... as hiviiiii ......

Home office under the stairs ..... if you do not have Enough Enough space or rooms in your home!

Here are a laptop , your working table , a chair is a must for you can not Kuka below ! preferable if you put a flower decoration on the table to add your work table lamp ..... not forgetting to give you light to study at night When you do your job .... this room kinang'aa and beautiful!

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